Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why does my position show a status of “Pending”, when I know that I’m registered with the Boy Scouts of America already?
There are a few reasons why the positions you’re claiming are not validating against the BSA ScoutNet data.
There are a few reasons why the positions you’re claiming are not validating against the BSA ScoutNet data.
- Wrong spelling of your name – you may have setup your profile with your preferred name vs. your actual real name or the name that you registered with the Boy Scouts of America. For example you may have put “Jeff” vs. “Jeffery”, or “Mike” vs. “Michael”. In order for the system to match up and validate your profile you need to use the same name that you entered into the BSA registration form.
- ScoutNet data hasn’t been updated – the local council attempts to update on a weekly basis with new ScoutNet information. If you’re application is still being processed your position(s) within will still have a pending status until the system can validate you.
2. How come I get a message that says “Current there aren't enough leaders with profiles within the system to certify you through the community process.”, when I click on the “[Send Request]” link within my “To Do’s” list?
Community approval requires two other BSA registered leaders have profiles on the system. For example, if you’re claiming that you’re the new Scoutmaster within the troop and attempt to be “Community Certified”, the system will try to email both the Committee Chair and the Chartered Organization Representative of your unit. If the system is unable to find both of these individuals, or if they haven’t setup a profile, then the system will let you know “there aren’t enough leaders…”.
Community approval requires two other BSA registered leaders have profiles on the system. For example, if you’re claiming that you’re the new Scoutmaster within the troop and attempt to be “Community Certified”, the system will try to email both the Committee Chair and the Chartered Organization Representative of your unit. If the system is unable to find both of these individuals, or if they haven’t setup a profile, then the system will let you know “there aren’t enough leaders…”.
Unit Level
District Level
3. What is Community Certification?
Community Certification or Approval allows a user to have more privileges within the system while their BSA registration is still being processed. It is used on all levels within the system: Unit, District, and Council. In order for Community Certification to work, two other BSA registered users must already be within the system and on the same organization level (Unit, District, or Council).
Community Certification or Approval allows a user to have more privileges within the system while their BSA registration is still being processed. It is used on all levels within the system: Unit, District, and Council. In order for Community Certification to work, two other BSA registered users must already be within the system and on the same organization level (Unit, District, or Council).
4. Will the system email me when my BSA registration has been processed?
5. As a Scoutmaster (Assistant Scoutmaster) will I be able to search for Merit Badge Counselors by merit badge?
Yes, but only if you’re BSA registered within your unit leadership position. In fact all unit level leadership positions are able to search the Merit Badge Counselor list including:
Yes, but only if you’re BSA registered within your unit leadership position. In fact all unit level leadership positions are able to search the Merit Badge Counselor list including:
- Committee Chair
- Chartered Rep
- Committee Member
- Scoutmaster
- Assistant Scoutmaster
- Leader of 11-Year-Old Scouts
6. How do I associate my Merit Badge Counselor positon with a unit?
If you already have a profile:
If you wish to be associated with more than one unit then repeat the process. Please note that if you are already “BSA Registered” for you district Merit Badge Counselor position you will automatically be updated also as “BSA Registered” for the unit.
If you already have a profile:
- Log in and go to “My -> Positions”
- Click the “request” button link
- Scroll down and find the “Merit Badge Counselor (Unit)” positon and select it by checking the checkbox.
- Click the “Make Request” button
- Click on the “[Select/Change Unit]” link to search and find your unit.
- Enter in some search criteria within the “Search For” box and click search
- When results are displayed, click the “[Select]” link for the unit you wish to be associated with
- When you return back to the “Unit Positions” page click the “Next” Button
- Lastly close down the “Request sent successfully” page.
If you wish to be associated with more than one unit then repeat the process. Please note that if you are already “BSA Registered” for you district Merit Badge Counselor position you will automatically be updated also as “BSA Registered” for the unit.